Axolotl: A Unique Wonder of the Animal Kingdom

The axolotl is a fascinating and mysterious creature, which inhabits mostly the waters of Mexico. Most people call this unusual amphibian the “Mexican walking fish,” although it is not a fish in any way.

It belongs to the family of salamanders, which are amphibians with certain distinguishing characteristics in the animal world. As a result of their dramatic ability to regenerate limbs, their eternally juvenile appearance, and their friendly and curious nature, axolotls have gained worldwide recognition. We will try to comprehend the awesomeness of this animal by taking a closer look at its unique biology and ecological niche, its contribution to scientific research, and the growing need for various conservation activities to protect this species.

Axolotl A Unique Wonder of the Animal Kingdom

Species Overview

Common Names:  Axolotl, Mexican walking fish

Scientific Name:  Ambystoma mexicanum

Adult Size:  Between 6 and 18 inches long, though over 12 inches is rare

Life Expectancy:  10 to 15 years on average

Axolotl lifespan

An amazing amphibian, the axolotl can survive around 10 up to 15 years when proper care is given, and it is in captivity. Under natural circumstances, life expectancy can be lower owing to hazards from pollution, natural predators or loss of habitat.

These animals are gifted with incredible regenerative abilities that make it possible for them to sustain wounds and even regrow lost extremities which then makes it possible to extend life span. Heat, clean water and a balanced diet are key to axolotls reaching their maximum life span when kept in captivity. Combing worms, pellets and small fish ensures that they get the right nutritious food for their growth. Consistent water parameters and lack of sudden temperature differences also enhance their health by reducing stress and diseases.

Even though axolotls have relatively lower exercise needs as compared to some pets, their chances of having long life and being healthy are greatly improved by regular care towards their specific needs. Axolotls can live for many years supporting their remarkable features and with proper care can live for many more fascinating the onlookers.

Axolotl habitat

The axolotl, a type of salamander, can be found in freshwater lakes and water channels. Natural environments of axolotls are mainly found in the areas of Xochimilco, near the city of Mexico. Axolotls prefer calm, clear water with lots of hiding spots like rocks and plants. Such regions help them in feeling safe from any kind of danger.

The water in such areas has quite cool temperatures and is usually around 10-20 degree centigrade or 50-68 degree Fahrenheit. Such temperatures are conducive to their health. The axolotl also requires clean water since they are capable of being injured by pollution. Sadly, due to the combination of pollution and urban development there is habitat loss for the axolotl species. Efforts are being made in the protection of such unique species by restoring the habitats and even by creating safer environments in captivity.

The axolotl’s potential to regenerate parts of its body is what intrigues many people but they are highly dependent on specific environmental conditions. The ecosystems of axolotls need to be protected for the species to survive in the wild as well as in captivities.

Axolotl Good Pets

Axolotl size

Axolotls are unique and small in size measuring between 15 to 45 cm in length. Commonly kept axolotls as pets have lengths of around 23 to 30 cm. Their size is dependent on the environment they occupy and the food provided to them.

These majestic creatures have a slender body structure and possess a broad head with gill structures on both sides of the body. Although related to the salamander family, an axolotl maintains its larval form throughout its life which makes them look rather juvenile. Because of their limited growth, medium-sized aquariums are sufficient for them. However, they do require good space to swim. Due to their small size, they do not only take much space within the aquarium but can be easily handled by individuals and thus are widely kept as pets.

Axolotl Diet

Axolotls can be fed on a protein diet. In the wild they feed on small fish, insects, worms and all sorts of other little aquatic animals. Everything is sucked in, and it helps this animal that axolotls do not grind food. As they are slow eaters, so they tend to go for food that is easy to catch.

The most basic is providing them the correct amount of food for any pet care guide as overfeeding them will make your furry friend overweight. To remain healthy, young axolotls need to be fed every day whilst adults do well being fed 2-3 times in a week.

Axolotl Behavior

Axolotls are a class apart, good natured and curious animals. They love exploring their tanks and most of the time, they walk around looking for something new or change in their environment. Night time is when the activity levels of axolotls is at the highest peak and they do prefer dark conditions. Usually, they spend most of the hours inactive but it is not unusual to see them swimming lightly or hanging out near stones and plants. Unlike many other species, aggression is rarely seen in axolotls; they are generally calm and kind.

They may be shy at first especially when people approach the tank, but normal behavior of watching them without moving around is something they eventually learn to cope with. Axolotls also have a well-developed sense of smell which responds when food is present and most of the time food is located by them hiding their heads and gills and swimming around.

Axolotl A Unique Wonder

Axolotl Temperament

It is more common to find axolotls chill and at ease. They do not like tension, which is why they choose to stay alone. Most of the time, they are seen with their bodies just afloat in the water or resting on the surface inside. Though they are not fearful, they do not like to be handled over long periods and will get irritated if they are petted constantly.

Due to their natural curiosity, axolotls are also seen interacting with strange objects in their tank. They have very little interaction with other species and love it best when kept alone or with other calm axolotls. In most cases, axolotls aren’t active and are low maintenance, which makes them perfect for anyone who would like a relaxed interesting aquarium companion.

Housing Requirements For Axolotl

In order to maintain their good health, axolotls will need quite a large and quite clean tank as well. We will also need a tank that has a minimum volume of 20 gallons for a single axolotl and more for others. The water temperature must also be controlled within the range of 60°F to 64°F (16°C-18°C) which means that a cool tank is definitely a requirement. Try using a good filtration system in order to keep the water clean but avoid high currents as they will be stressful to the axolotl.

The water level should also be at least about 12 inches so that there will be enough room for the axolotl to swim without restriction. Since an axolotl is a very timid creature that tends to stay in peaceful settings, you should make sure that the tank has things like caves or plants where the axolotl can more comfortable in.

It is also good practice to change almost 20% of water every week in order to keep the water fresh. Lastly, use fine sand or softer substrate in order to protect the sensitive gills of the axolotls.

Water Conditions For Axolotl

Maintaining axolotls in captivity means providing them with clean, cool water. The water temperature should always be set at 60-64°F (15-18°C) as they love cooler waters. Water that is warmer than their liking tends to stress them thus may result in illnesses. A Disclaimer: Use a gentle filter to keep the water clear, but avoid strong water currents because axolotls do not like moving water.

Verify Water Quality Eliminating Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate Clean, safe, and ammonia-, nitrite-, and nitrate-free water is imperative for axolotls. The water is soft with the optimal percentage of pH ranging between 6.5 to 7.5. Also, replace a portion of the water, about 20%, every week to ensure it is clean.

Do not fill the tank with tap water straight away as it contains purifying agents that are toxic; scrub it first to get rid of the chlorine, and only after that is it fit for use.

Feeding and Nutrition

Anchoring the effective management of axolotls in aquaculture are nutrition and feeding practices. Their dietary habits have also been influenced by the fact that axolotls are carnivores, and thus the greater part of their diet is comprised of meat.

You can give them blood worms, brine shrimps, frozen or live form earthworms, small fishes, etc. Earthworms are considered to be ideal for axolotls because they are rich in nutrients and also aid in the digestion process of the axolotls.

It is recommend feeding juvenile axolotls a minimum of once in twenty-four hours though older ones can be feed two to three times in a week. Make sure that you minimize the risk of choking by ensuring that food pieces are not too big.

Avoid feeding them foods that are greasy or highly indigestible such as oily hands or slimy beef hearts. Also, to avoid any health complications, it is necessary to clean the tank by taking out any left over food. With appropriate care and management, Axolotl can survive for years and remain healthy.

Common Health Problems

Axolotls suffer from a few commonly occurring ailments, many of which are linked to low-quality water, poor feeding habits and high levels of stress. For example, milkiness of the water is associated with a fungal disease that appears as white patches like cotton on the axolotl’s skin. This mostly occurs in dirty environments or when the axolotl is excessively stressed.

Another problem is antibiotics resistant sporadic septicemia that leads to inflammation and swelling. This is often due to poor water quality or excessive handling of the animal. Another digestive issue is seen when axolotls ingest excessive amounts of food or when they eat their food too fast causing constipation. Symptoms include dermal swelling or inability to swim.

However, high temperatures, excessive light and other stress developing factors can interfere with their immunity hence making them less healthy.

These problems, however, can be avoided by basic maintenance practices of the aquarium.

Similar Species to the Axolotl

If you’re interested in similar Species or pets, check out:

  • Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum)
  • Mudpuppy (Necturus maculosus)
  • Olm (Proteus anguinus)
  • Eastern Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens)
  • Japanese Giant Salamander(Andrias japonicus)
  • Hellbender(Cryptobranchus alleganiensis)


Is it OK to touch axolotl?

Final thoughts. Axolotls are most enjoyed as pets to observe, flourishing in settings where they remain undisturbed. Due to their delicate skin and important slime layer, it is best to avoid touching them whenever feasible.

Do axolotls make good pets?

Axolotls can be suitable pets for those who prefer to watch rather than engage with an animal. They will interact with people who approach their tank and are enjoyable to observe in their environment. They require minimal care, which makes them an ideal choice for someone seeking a low-maintenance pet.

Is the axolotl a good pet?

Unlike what you may believe, axolotls are quite simple to care for, provided their particular requirements are fulfilled. They need a properly maintained aquatic habitat and consistent feeding to prosper. Axolotls are amazing pets for enthusiasts of every age.

Can you touch an axolotl?

Due to their fragile, tender bodies, it is advisable to avoid touching axolotls to ensure they remain safe and uninjured. Only deal with them if it’s completely required. If you must handle your axolotl, be sure to wash your hands completely both before and after touching them.

How long do axolotls live?

In captivity, with appropriate care, feeding, and habitat upkeep, axolotls can survive for 10-15 years. In the wild, their lifespans are significantly shorter, typically between 5 to 10 years.

Is an axolotl a fish?

The term for axolotl in Spanish is ajolote, but in Mexico, it is commonly used to refer to all types of salamander. It is referred to as the Mexican walking fish (even though it is not a fish in any way). Although they are extremely endangered in the wild, they are also kept as pets and are found in laboratories across the globe.

How many axolotls are left?

50 to 1,000

Axolotls are Mexican amphibians classified as salamanders, residing in two lakes: Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico. The Axolotl is a species that scientists fear may become extinct in the near future; they believe that only approximately 50 to 1,000 exist in the wild.

Do axolotls have 2 hearts?

Like other amphibians, the axolotl possesses a heart with three chambers.

Is A axolotl A Boy or a girl?

The clearest method to identify your axolotl’s gender is by watching it during its breeding phase, when it is laying either spermatophores or eggs. If you observe spermatophores (sperm cones), your axolotl is a male. If you observe eggs, your axolotl is a female.

Are axolotl rare or not?

The axolotl is presently listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s yearly Red List of endangered species.

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